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Young Adult Service

In the UK, there are an estimated 376,00 Young Adult Carers. They are likely to be in every school, college, university and workplace. Carers Plus aim to support the whole family and recognise that Young Adult Carers (YAC’s) need their own individual support too.

Being a Young Adult can be a difficult path to navigate; we are here to provide advice and support you with that journey. YAC's can now self refer from age 16+


Within this service we have specialist workers supporting Parent Carers.  

Watch The Video Below to Find Out More

Who is the Young Adult Carers Service for?

Who is the Young Adult Carers Service for?

Unpaid Carers aged between 16 - 30 years who:

  • Have a significant caring role, including looking after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health need, or drug/alcohol problem.
  • Are experiencing an impact of care such as; excessive or inappropriate caring that affects emotional health, physical health, educational achievement, social life and opportunities.
  • Provide practical tasks, emotional support, family management, financial support, physical & personal care or childcare for siblings.
What the service provides

What the service provides

Our role at Carers Plus Yorkshire is to look at how together, we can help Young Adult Carers to forge a future around and beyond their caring role. Ambitions in life shouldn’t be halted because of caring responsibilities. This service will therefore help with:

  • Providing Impartial Information
  • Overcoming Personal Barriers
  • Providing Emotional Support
  • Maximising Your Income
  • Training, Learning & Work Opportunities
  • Meeting Others Like You
  • 1:1 Support
What do people say about our service?

What do people say about our service?

"With the support from Carers Plus Yorkshire, over time I’ve learned to balance my home and college responsibilities, which has inspired me to find coping techniques and share them with others. As a recognised young carer I was, for several years, a member of the Youth Council for Carers Plus Yorkshire. Over the last few years we delivered a mental health project where I took a lead role, as well as volunteering for the youth club for young carers; this has inspired me to become a Young Adult Carer Ambassador. I am going to keep doing all I can to reach out to other young carers in my area, as well as to look after myself and my family as best I can. I am full of hope and ambition and now study at one of the best universities in the country."

-Dani, Young Adult Carer