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Employment and Training Support

 RISE2THRIVE (May 2024) is the new and updated name for the RISE Project. RISE began mid-May 2023 following the success of the ATI project which ran for 6 years and has had many acomplishments for its participants. RISE2THRIVE is funded by the UK Government through the UK shared Prosperity fund (UKSPF). In partnership with Better Connect and North Yorkshire Council; Carers Plus Yorkshire deliver the service across Scarborough, Whitby & Ryedale.

A new project has started in April 2024 called 50 Not Out. This programme is targeted to those who are aged between 50-64 living in Scarborough/Whitby and may find it hard to re-engage with employment due to a variety of reasons. 



RISE2THRIVE (Reducing Inequalities, Supporting Employment), is a support programme for adults in North Yorkshire and York who are currently out of work and have barriers to engaging with employment and/or training.

Through RISE2THRIVE, individuals receive tailored 1-2-1 advice, mentoring and employability support, and have access to specific interventions designed to help break down barriers. This combination of support is designed to improve people’s health, confidence, skills, circumstances and ultimately their employability, moving them closer towards a position where they are thriving in their life and in work.

RISE2THRIVE is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity fund (UKSPF). The programme began mid-May 2023 and initially runs to the end of March 2024 with the possibility of continuation funding.

RISE2THRIVE is delivered through a partnership of community-based organisations spread across North Yorkshire. Carers Plus Yorkshire are pleased to be delivering the service in Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale. You can visit Better Connect to find out who is delivering the service near you.

The project uses a Keyworker and Intervention model. Interested participants initially arrange to meet with a Keyworker who discusses the project and checks eligibility and suitability. If the project is suitable, the Keyworker signs the participant up and becomes their main project mentor, providing them with tailored 1-2-1 support and mentoring for the whole time they remain on RISE2THRIVE. If specific barriers are identified, then Keyworkers can refer participants to access project interventions. Interventions cover a range of areas including; therapy and counselling, debt advice and financial support, housing support, wellbeing activities, basic skills and vocational training.

50 Not Out!

50 Not Out!


50 Not Out! is a project that aims to support those aged between 50-64 living in Scarborough & Whitby. The project willl support Carers and other in the community to enable them to combine their caring responsibilities with paid work, get back into work or to retrain and upskill. The programme will work with Carers in a 1:1 and group setting and offer the chance of learning new skills, connecting with others and much more!

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

UK Gov
Levelling up